My Story
As a child I suffered from chronic sinusitis, tonsilitis, environmental allergies and restorted to antibiotic treatments 1-2 times a year. By age 5 I had an adnoidectomy followed by a tonsillectomy at age 7. Still my allergies and sinus issues persisted, resulting in a sinus surgery at age 14. With the inability to properly breathe through my nose my oral health and jaw development was greatly affected resulting persistent cavities, mercury fillings, and by age 18 I underwent orthognastic and genioplasty surgery. Little did I know at the time how my gut health was connected to all these other symptoms and how my body was working overtime to try and manage the toxic load it was bearing all those years. Fast forward to early adulthood, I experienced a few bouts of food poisoning during international travel, and from there, my gut health began its downward spiral. Shortly after the birth of my second child, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Ultimately I felt I was losing control of my life trying to balance my health, career, and raising a family. I intuitively knew there was more I could do to help myself than what conventional medicine could offer so I began my journey into holistic healing. A major lifestyle overhaul was in order and I made changes such as dietary modifications, managing stress/trauma, addressing multiple root cause issues and began incorporating natural medicine into my daily life. In 2023 I underwent another surgery to remove most of the titanium plates from my jaw that had been in place since my orthognastic and genioplasty surgery 18 years prior. After years of on-going training, research and personal experience, I now offer personalized Gut Health Coaching services. I’m here to guide you to take charge of your health, investigate root cause issues and support your body’s ability to heal.
Holistic Nutrition Consultant
Naturopathy Practioner
Systemic Inflammation, Food Intolerances and Autoimmunity
Applied Facial Diagnosis According to Chinese Medicine
Homeopathic First Aid for Everyone
Reiki Level I & II
Natural Pregnancy/Childbirth
Body Talk Access